Tailor-made Garden Design
This package is for the person who loves their garden and wants it to be an integral part of their lifestyle. It is important to you that the detail is correct and that the construction is done well because you want it to last. This is for the person who does not want to waste money or time getting wrong through making a false economy by either having a go yourself or asking someone without qualifications or experience.
The package of drawings and information will include information about all aspects of the construction and planting for an experienced contractor to create the garden which was planned by you and Sally.
Each package will be specific to the individual garden and every drawing or document will be listed in the fixed price quotation you will receive in advance of any work commencing.
What You’ll Get with the Garden Design Package
Scaled drawings, these are used to plan the big picture with you first, followed by the detail. They are used to communicate the design to the contractor so you get the garden exactly as we intend for you.
A landscape contractor would use these drawings to:
- Provide an accurate quote
- Minimise wastage of materials
- Use the correct materials
- Order materials on time
- Use the correct machinery and tools
- Set the garden out precisely
- Order the correct plants
- Put them in the right place.
The Final Garden
These drawings are the result of a detailed topographical survey, also included in the package. Where necessary drawings of Technical Details such as retaining walls are also provided. When required, the advice of industry specialists is sought such as a Structural Engineer for particular hard-landscaping.